Niagara 4 Advanced Level 2 Technical Certification Program

Joe Mitchell, Kevin Crabill, TBD
5 days
2,950.00 USD

Course Description:

Educate students to an advanced level of technical expertise to effectively and efficiently design, engineer, and program "cyber-secure", enterprise-wide, supervisor projects using the Niagara 4 Framework. This class will mirror the actual steps a student may take in the field to develop existing projects. There will be Advanced N4 Certification testing.


Each student must be Niagara 4 Certified and have a laptop running the most recent Vykon WorkPlace Version 4.12.x.x.x

Course Overview:

  • Niagara Station Installation
  • Baja Docs
  • Niagara Object Model
  • BFormat
  • Program Service Batch Editor
  • BQL Select Statements
  • BQL Aggregates and Predicates
  • BQL Having and Order By Clauses
  • Data Modeling - Smart Tag Dictionary
  • Niagara Entity Query Language
  • Hierarchies
  • History Tools
  • Series Transforms
  • Reports
  • J8000 Features
  • Jace Metrics and Diagnostics
  • SSL TLS and Certificates
  • Niagara Networking
  • Export Tags
  • Supervisor Provisioning
  • Level 2 Certification Test (Last day of class)

Class Logistics Notes:

Please note that the training will still take place from 8:00-5:00 pm Monday through Friday (Friday, students will be done when the test is completed). Breakfast and lunch will be provided every day. Please do not hesitate to ask questions during the class!

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